LEAD MAGNETS - Why do you need them?

You will no doubt have heard of lead magnets before.

If not, you will undoubtedly have received one from a business before. 

The lead magnet is the gateway into your business.

The first part of your funnel.

The way that they become aware of you and your business.

It is an irresistible item that you offer to your audience.

Something that they would absolutely love to have.

And it works best if you give it away, for free!

For example, you could be scrolling through Facebook and come across a post about a fantastic e-book that gives you 55 incredible ways to market your small business.

You are always interested in new ideas to market your business, so you click on the link.

You receive the e-book by email.

So you put your email address into the box, click ok and then wait for the e-book to be delivered. 

Within 2 minutes, you have your book to read. 

Completely free and almost instant.

And now you are aware of a new business that offers exactly what you need.

Now put yourself into the shoes of the business owner. 

A potentially new customer has seen your post, clicked on the page, and given you their email address. 

They are consuming your content by reading the e-book.

And now you have the opportunity to market to them further.

Because you have got them on your LIST!

Having a list of people that MIGHT be interested in your products is essential in business. This is your audience.

Give away some of your trade secrets.

Perhaps you could host a webinar and offer a tutorial showing how you do what you do.

This list is only valuable to you and your business if it is made up of interested parties. 

It is no good just randomly gathering as many people’s contact details as possible if they are not your target audience. 

If you have ever received an unsolicited newsletter email from a company you have never heard of, you will know how irritating that can be. You are likely to find the unsubscribe button without even reading what they have to say. 

By doing this in your business, you could end up spending your time creating a newsletter that no one wants and didn’t ask for! A total waste!

But, if your list is full of people that have found you, they will want to receive your emails. 

If you have a restaurant, you could give away a collection of recipes for a fabulous meal to cook from home. 

They care about what you have to say.

And each time they receive and read your email, there is one more touchpoint. 

Research has said that the average person needs between 9 and 11 touchpoints with a business before becoming a customer.

So, the best way to gather the email addresses, which enables you to increase those touchpoint numbers, is to offer a LEAD MAGNET.

This allows the customer to opt-in to you rather than you trying to convince them to sign up.

The magnet draws in the leads.

So it needs to be good.

Worthy of giving up your email address!

A hairdresser could give a tutorial on how to maintain your hair between appointments.

It could be an e-book, a downloadable checklist, a how-to guide, a workbook. Anything really that you think your audience would want from you.

Give away some of your trade secrets.

Perhaps you could host a webinar and offer a tutorial showing how you do what you do.

If you have a restaurant, you could give away a collection of recipes for a fabulous meal to cook from home. 

A hairdresser could give a tutorial on how to maintain your hair between appointments.

An estate agent could give an e-book with information about preparing your home for sale. 

A marketing expert could give an e-book with marketing tips (this is on its’ way! 😄)

The ideas are endless, really.

Think about what you could create to offer as a simple freebie.

Something that your potential customers would want.

An estate agent could give an e-book with information about preparing your home for sale. 

Then get it made up and make it available to them. 

A simple automated setup will mean that there is little to no input from you once it is done, and it can be used for years and years!

If you would like any help thinking of, or creating your irresistible freebie, get in touch!


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