Secrets to grow and improve your business.
Think about the best clients you have ever had. The top 5.
The ones that were a dream to work with.
They recommended you to their friends and family.
They never quibble about your fees.
They are your ideal client.
Imagine if you had lots and lots of clients that were exactly the same as your top 5?
Life would be awesome, right?
All of your clients would be happy, and over the moon with your service.
They would all pay, in full and on time!
And best of all, they would be doing most of your marketing for you as they will be recommending you to all of their friends and family.
This is why you should work out who your ideal client is.
So, how do you attract more of these lovely clients?
You will likely find that your top 5 clients are very similar to each other.
What similarities are there between these people?
Are they all of a similar age? Gender? Social status?
When you create something, marketing, products, content, or services, make it for these top 5 clients.
Aim everything you do directly at them.
What would make your service absolutely perfect for them?
Tailor your products for them.
When putting together your marketing - speak to them. And publicise it in places that they will be.
You will attract more of your ideal client and not waste your valuable marketing budget trying to convince others.
There is no point in spending your time convincing someone who doesn’t instantly gel with you and your business. If they don’t vibe with you, they will probably never buy from you.
Or they will buy, but you will not be able to keep them happy.
And you will spend more time trying to please them.
This valuable time could have been devoted to your ideal customers.
Perfecting the service for those ideal customers.
And if they have even better service from you, because you could give them the time they deserve, they will love you and your business even more.
And they will become raving fans - recommending you to everyone that they can and returning to your business over and over again.
They would never dream of using a competitor!