I know I need a blog, but what should I write?

I know I need a blog, but what should I write?

Thinking of blog post topics can be tricky.

Many people start with good intentions to begin a blog, but they draw a blank when they sit down to write something.

The point with a blog post is to be informative and helpful to your readers.

Answer your frequently asked questions.

An excellent place to start is by answering the questions that your clients ask you regularly. 

Think about things that your customers need you to explain to them. Perhaps there are some areas of your industry that the general public doesn't understand. 

By writing a post to explain these points, you will be showing that you are an expert in this field. 

What are people searching Google for?

Pretend that you are a customer and search online for something that your business does, for example, 'How to sell my house if you are an estate agent. 

Google will automatically populate the questions that other people are asking. 

These are questions that the general public is looking for answers to. 

All you have to do is write the answers!

By posting your answers, your potential customers will find your website.

Success stories within your business.

You could write a short review of a particular experience or service that a client had and maybe even top it off with a testimonial from the client. Perhaps you are a wedding photographer, and you could write up about a wedding, including a few images from the day and how you achieved various shots or angles. Or, with an estate agency, you could go into detail about the marketing and experience of selling a particular property.

Industry updates. 

If there is interesting news or changes within your industry, you can write a piece to inform your readers. 

When writing about changes, try to do this as soon as the change happens and you will become known as the go-to person for information.

A market or industry review. 

This works particularly well in the property industry but could be just as successful in other businesses. 

Look at the market periodically and update your readers and customer base. 

Are prices moving, are you busy, is the market moving quickly or slowly?

I recently purchased a second-hand car, and the salesman informed me that the price of vehicles is increasing. I thought this was just his sales pitch, but he explained that because there has been no production over the past 18months due to Covid-19, second-hand cars have become the only option for many car owners, so the price has increased.

 I had no idea that this was even happening, but I may have bought a car sooner had I known!

Offers and promotions 

You could use a blog post for marketing your offers or discounts. 

Perhaps you have decided to host an event or have a sale. 

Or maybe you are launching a new product or service. 

Blog posts are short articles, so you could view your blog page as if it is a small newspaper of your very own. 

Market your business and services but in a subtle way. 

Don't use every single post for advertising; otherwise, people will stop reading. 

The aim is to inform and entertainingly educate the reader.

Explain something about your business or industry that they may not know.

Give them tips to get the most out of your products or services.

Give away your industry secrets.

The longer a reader spends with your words and brand, the better. 

The trust and rapport between the reader and your brand grow with every minute they are 'with' you, whether digitally or in person.

And each article that you post counts as a touchpoint with that reader, moving them along your nurture journey and closer towards becoming a paying customer.


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