Show some personality!

Brown Photo Minimalism DIY Influencer Facebook Post Set.png

As the saying goes, 'People buy from people.'

A customer can relate to a real person, but they can not relate to a logo.

It is also very boring to simply have a logo. 

As a small business, you are agile and flexible, and as the owner of that business, you are in complete control of the impression that you give to your customers.

So have fun with your marketing and show a bit of personality.

You have the freedom to post whatever you like without the red tape that a corporate business would have to go through. Make the most of this and show the personality of you and your company. 

Reality TV is so popular because the public is generally very nosy and likes to see what other peoples' lives are like. 

So share the reality of your business. Packing your orders, making your products or even just eating cakes on a Friday afternoon. You will have endless content that you can share throughout your normal working day. Showing your customers the real people behind your company will draw your ideal customers towards you and will build trust.

Trust is a huge element of any business/customer relationsahip, and building that trust is vital. In today's world we often never even meet our customers in real life. They search for you online, research the products and services, and order. Some industries offer a service that will result in a real-life meeting, but even then, the meeting is not booked by chance, it starts with research, which is usually done online.

You need to build trust through those online channels, whilst the customer is in the research phase, to move them along the customer journey to actually buying. 

This is a huge opportunity for anyone that owns a small business to show the real you. This is not possible for very big companies, and they have to rely on other more expensive marketing channels to try to attract customers. 

The best bit is, it is virtually free for you to do! Simply use photos of yourself and your team, or make video content on your social media and website. 

By showing the real you, your customers will relate to you, they will begin to feel as if they know you, and will be ready to buy from you. 

It is a great way to grow your business and attract new customers - and it is fun!


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