Why you should give away your trade secrets!
Having a blog in your business allows you to share information with your audience and customers.
It is your golden opportunity to share information and educate your readers, which shows that you are an expert in your field.
But what if you give away your trade secrets?
Won't your competitors read it? And then they will know how you do what you do.
What if they start to copy you and offer the same services?
What if your audience thinks that they don't need to hire you now because you have told them how to do it for themselves?
The truth is that all of these things could happen.
But here is why you should give your secrets away anyway!
Are you still using leaflets in your marketing? You could be wasting £0000’s
“I do loads of marketing - I sent out a leaflet last month!”
I hear this a lot from businesses when we discuss their marketing efforts. It saddens me to know the effort and expense that they have gone to when, really, they could have done a fraction of the work for probably less than half of the cost!
Why is brand consistency so important?
It is easy to get distracted by a shiny new logo idea or see a new colour and think that it would be nice to use in your branding. You may even think that you have made a mistake and wish that you had branded differently to begin with.
You could be losing money because of your Google listing!
You could be losing money because of your Google listing!
Have you updated your Google listing recently?
Perhaps you didn’t even know that you have a Google listing?
You could be missing out on valuable sales if you don’t keep your listing up to date.