Why you should give away your trade secrets!

Having a blog in your business allows you to share information with your audience and customers.

It is your golden opportunity to share information and educate your readers, which shows that you are an expert in your field. 

But what if you give away your trade secrets?

Won't your competitors read it? And then they will know how you do what you do.

What if they start to copy you and offer the same services?

What if your audience thinks that they don't need to hire you now because you have told them how to do it for themselves?

The truth is that all of these things could happen.

But they won't!

If you have a customer that thinks that they would prefer to do it themselves than pay you for the service, then they were never your perfect customer anyway, and the chances are that they would have moved on eventually.

They may also even ATTEMPT to do it themselves, but, in reality, they will soon give up and come back to you. Anyone who has ever tried a hair or beauty treatment 'at home' will know that although it is possible to DIY, you will always go to a professional again because it is never as good!

And with your competitors, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery! Be proud that they are so impressed with you and your business that they read your blogs to learn how they can be better!

When you use a blog post to explain an element of your product or service, you can freely give away all of the information so that the post makes sense. 

Yes, this will mean that your reader knows how you do what you do, but they can never know WHY!

The 'why' is often the crucial part of any product or service.

And even if your blog post is used as a blueprint for your competitors, they will never recreate things exactly.

They can never be YOU! 

Moreover, knowing something is not the same as doing something. 

Implementation is complex. It takes time, energy and hard work. Although the competition may know what you do, they will not implement it!

Fundamentally, you can never be copied 100%, and if the information given is used to try and copy you, the result will never be as good.

Also, if your customers notice that you are being copied, your competitors will come across as silly and unprofessional. 

So, stay focused on what you do and do it well. 

Let people copy you if they want to.

Keep giving your audience valuable, informative content.

If you are thinking of starting a blog for your business and would like help setting things up or writing your first post, get in touch. 

I am offering a blog writing coaching package for a very select few businesses looking to scale and grow their marketing and branding to build their business!

If this sounds good to you, get in touch quickly to secure your place as it is VERY limited!


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