Top reasons that a blog is essential in every business
Top reasons that a blog is essential in every business
Have you ever searched for something online and ended up on a random website that you have never heard of?
Just today, I searched to see if it is possible to buy Cinnamon bagels without raisins in! They always smell so delicious, but I'm not too fond of raisins.
Anyway, it turns out that it is not that easy to buy cinnamon bagels without raisins.
I found this out by a helpful blog written by a lady who posed this very question. She ended up having to make her own!
I don't have the time or inclination to make bagels from scratch.
But it did make a few things clear.
1 - It is possible to google the strangest questions imaginable, and
2 - Someone, somewhere, will have written the answer for you!
I would never, in a million years, have visited that lady's website.
I have never heard of her before.
But I found her because she answered my question.
There are lots of reasons to have a blog page and post regular content. Here are my favourites:-
Shows that you are the expert - Answering your customer's questions shows that you have the answers. You are the expert in the field. I have no idea if that lady knows anything about making bagels, but I have trusted that she has researched the products on the market to ascertain that I can't buy them, and she has had to make them.
Builds rapport - As the reader spends time with you and your content, they will build a rapport and get to know you.
Drives traffic to your website without paying for adverts - Just like the post about bagels drove me to that website, so to will your content. This will increase the awareness of your business.
Gain the trust of your audience - the more time spent with your brand and content, the more the trust grows.
Increase the touchpoints with your brand - Your trust and rapport with the customer will grow whenever there is a touchpoint. This can be reading a blog, seeing your logo, driving past your shop. As the touchpoints increase, the likelihood of an actual phone call or visit increases until eventually, one would hope, they become a customer.
Build a list of contacts - as your readers sign up to receive your blog posts by email, you are building a list of contacts that you can sell your products and services. It is important not to spam them, or they will unsubscribe. But if, for example, 10% of your posts were a new product launch, you have an audience to promote your launch to, and they are already familiar with you and your brand and are ready to buy.
If you add a blog page to your website and post regular informative content, you will have a warmed-up audience. They are already aware of your brand, trust and know you and are ready to buy from you.
It is a no brainer!